Jessica Santos is an active-duty Naval Officer, currently stationed in Sunny San Diego, California. She is happily married to an active-duty Navy Master Chief, ABCM Troy Tracy. Her hobbies include traveling, trying different cuisines, yoga, and doing arts and crafts. Born to entrepreneur parents, she is following her dream of owning her own business. Her father managed a trucking business, while her mother owned a dress shop, renowned for wedding gowns and the whole entourage. Thriving in a male-dominated community, she has established herself as a successful leader and mentor.
BeYouTyFull is more than just a business; it is an outlet for Jessica and everyone else to express themselves. She aims to promote positivity by encouraging everyone to be inspired, authentic, thankful, and blessed, which is what the brand is built upon.
She is inspired by a BEE due to its unique characteristics, such as being highly intellectual, loyal, and an essential part of our ecosystem.
Beyoutyfull is dedicated to providing merchandise that promotes and showcases self-expression through our classic, seasonal, and personalized collections.
Beyoutyfull strives to deliver our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost convenience. We pride ourselves on meeting customers satisfaction through our uplifting merchandise.